Friday, October 3, 2008


Yes guys! I am not as depressed since my last blog, but I still, you know, get a bit sad every now and then. And, I now have a new job! Which is so unexpected that I'll be getting the job, and it's such a far cry from what I used to do. After 4 years of being just a person Americans hear on the other end of the phone, I now have a dayjob and I get to meet actual people. Beautiful people for that matter. I unexpectedly stumbled into the wonderful and beautiful world of advertising and modelling! Very Ugly Betty (or Betty La Fea, if you wish) isn't it? Hahaha! Well, I am not as ugly as Betty (feeling?! hahaha) but I feel like a fish out of water in this business. How did I become part of it? The opportunity presented itself one afternoon, and I said yes in a heartbeat! I am both excited and nervous, but I am willing to give it a shot. I can always go back to the call center industry in case it doesn't pay off well. But for now, I wanna learn alot about this industry, and I still have a long way to go. I am just so glad that my new boss is also a good friend (we just reconnected recently although I already met him twice before). I am also learning alot from his personal experiences, as well. He is very generous enough to share with me what he has learned over the years of being an agent and casting director. He was also kind enough to introduce me to some of the people who mattered in the advertising industry, and it's such a thrill to see and meet people I only saw in magazines and TV ads on an up close scale. Actually, this is a welcome change. I've been in the call center industry for more than 4 years, and I know the industry like the back of my hand. But now, it's different. I am a greenhorn in this industry. Advertising can be a cutthroat, dog-eat-dog industry, but I am willing to learn everything I need to know about the industry. I am also risking the big paycheck and great benefits I can be receiving in the call center industry, but I am taking the risk 'coz I know this will work. I have faith in myself and my boss, and I know that if we work together, we will make things great for the agency. I have met a few of our talents, and I can say that our agency has a bright future because we have some of the best and beautiful faces in the industry. I need not name drop, but I can tell you that they are very visible, in-demand and good looking. I am also doing a Tyra Banks as well, looking for the right person who can be the next big thing in advertising. All I can say is that I am happy that I have a job that I hope I'll be good at, since this is a new industry. And friends, wish me luck.

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