Thursday, July 3, 2008

A New Dawn

After the night comes a new dawn. There has been alot of changes that happened to me during the last 24 hours. I am officially out of Dell, the company I worked for at least a year and a half. No, I wasn't terminated on any serious offense nor did I commit any violations against the company policy. It's kinda hard to explain but to make everything short, what happened to me was a "redundancy of work". I do not belong to any team after going thru the arduous technical assessment I took a few weeks back to cap our technical support training. Unfortunately, I did not make the cut along with 3 other people. So we were placed in a team wherein what they did was to analyze the cases and the calls that the tech support reps made, we check if their cases were closed properly or if there are any markdowns. Since the job grade I had was a supervisor level already, we cannot take calls or we cannot be designated as frontline agents. I understand that it is a management decision. For the past few months, it's kinda hard to go to work every single day not knowing what to expect. And without a team to support or assist, how am I gonna be rated if I do not have a direct superior. I think it's kinda fair that I was kinda wanting for it to happen, to be offered a severance package. And honestly, the amount that I'll be getting is super substantial that it can allow me to take a few months off from work. I think what Dell did was the most humane thing to do. I am just relieved that finally, I am free from any physical, emotional and psychological stress that comes with the line of work I have. Finally, I can have some savings that I can put in the bank. I am finally free from Dell! I cannot anymore elaborate what happened, I won't bash the company or badmouth my former bosses, but I am just relieved. What saddens me the most is that I'm gonna miss the friends I made in the company, and I consider them my lifelong friends. I know I'll still see them, but I won't be able to chat with them or receive funny email threads. But, I am just happy and relieved that finally, we got what we wanted ans we'll be paid accordingly as we part with the company. My initial plans? I plan to take a rest for a month, explore my other options and then send my applications in between. I have been working straight for 4 years, and I will be taking this time to rest and rethink about my career options. Is working abroad an option? It is, but I wanna see what's in store for me here, before I try to fly and look for work abroad. Singapore and Japan are on my list. I also plan to put the money I'll be receiving in the bank and not intend to spend it, unless there is an emergency. I also intend to splurge a bit, maybe get myself a new cellphone or go out of town to relax. I just wanna take things easy. I wanna thank my friends in Dell, for being a shining beacon of hope for me, for the encouraging words and for the friendship they've given me. They were the people who kept me going everyday, eventhough they know that there were times that I wanted to give up and give in. And, I thank God for always guiding me during those trying times I had in Dell. I know a new dawn awaits me. It's time for change. It's time for me to move on. Thank You so much, Dell International Services. If not for the company, I wouldn't reach a certain level of maturity I have when it comes to work, and I am glad to have the pleasure of working with one of the biggest computer and IT companies in the world. There may have been rough, shitty times but it's life and it's part of it. This is just the beginning, only the beginning for me.

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