Thursday, June 26, 2008

4 Years

As I was perusing through my calendar, I saw the date June 21. Wait. June 21. Exactly 4 years ago on that date, I started to join the workforce. That's the date when I started my first job ever at Sykes Asia. Incidentally, it is where I also had my first call center job. I was so optimistic and excited back then because it was after all, my first job. I was so lucky to get a job just a few weeks after graduation (I was a summer grad that year). Fast forward 4 years after. I am now with my third company since then. I am still working at night. I have been working really hard to get to where I am now. One good thing about it is that it gave me independence. Independence in the sense that I no longer have to rely on my siblings or my parents in making decisions for myself. I only have myself to blame if the decisions I made didn't really go well (and I admit there were quite a few). Since I started working, I have achieved financial independence, something not alot of people my age have. I am able to pay my bills, and still have a little something left to enjoy the finer things in life. I may not have savings (which I think I should be doing now while I am still earning) but at least I know how to make my expenses work and keep them down. And, I no longer ask money from my parents. In the 4 years I have been working, I have met so many wonderful friends from work, whom I also consider my family, since I spend most of my waking hours with them. I have undergone so many trainings. I have been priviledged to have worked with the best (and the not so best) bosses. I exposed myself to best work ethics and best practices. I was able to go to places that I have never been locally. Eventhough sometimes I get so stressed from work and it gets the better of me, I know that will pass. Eventhough sometimes I feel my job doesn't love me back no matter how much effort I put into it, I am still thankful that I still have a job. During the 4 years I have been working, I am proud to say that I have been able to acquire things I am proud to say, I worked hard for. During the 4 years I have been working, I have been able to create a viable resume only others can dream of. During the 4 years I have been working, I am proud to say that my experience has taught me alot of things in life and work. I have become a more mature and responsible person 4 years after graduating from college. I miss being a student sometimes, but I think I am better off now that I am working. I just have a simple prayer: Thank You Lord for always being there for me all these years. Always Be my Guiding Light as I go to work everyday. Thank You for all the blessings. To You, I give back all the glory.

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